We want to ensure that you are the right fit and at the right stage of your business to get the most out of either of our programs.

Your success is our success! Be assured your answers will be kept confidential.

I am looking forward to reviewing your application and having a chat with you. 

About Your Application

The questions in this application form are designed to help us understand your law firm's business issues and pain points to determine if you are suitable for our Scalable Business Lounge Membership.

By completing this form you are not guaranteed a place in our membership and you are not committing to joining the membership but expressing interest in joining only.

After your form is reviewed you will be invited to have a strategy call with Caralee. At the end of the call, she will share with you a personalised Scalable Strategy for your law firm.


Time and Financial Commitment

To be part of the Scalable Business Lounge or Accelerator Program is a minimum of a 12-month commitment. You will see significant improvement in your business in the early months. However, it takes time to implement all the strategies. 

There are options for monthly payments or annual payments for the membership.


Privacy policy

We respect your privacy and we will never share any information provided by you in this form with anyone apart from our internal staff/employees for the purpose listed above. You can view our full privacy policy here: Privacy Policy