How to Get a Higher Conversion Rate in Your Firm... Sales is Not a Dirty Word (EP 136)

How to Get a Higher Conversion Rate in Your Firm... Sales is Not a Dirty Word (EP 136)

Season #2

Join me for a special birthday podcast and we are talking about --- SALES!

I know! Lawyers want to be lawyers and not salespersons. However, sales come in the form of clients retained from initial consultation and are the lifeblood of the firm. Let's talk more about this, shall we? 

So many things had been happening in my firm. So, before we dive deeper, let me ask you this:

Are you crafting client consultations that truly resonate? Or even better, are you implementing the best law firm marketing strategies to enhance those consultations? Let’s discover together!

Today, I'm utterly thrilled to share my Scalable Law journey especially focused on client consultations, a pivotal cornerstone in my firm’s story and possibly yours too! Drawing from the best law firm marketing strategies, we’ve refined our consultation process to perfection.

Let’s navigate through an enlightening episode where I share a snippet from my firm’s voyage, illuminating how re-engineering client consultations not only skyrocketed our client retention rates but also threaded a narrative of trust and assurance for our clients.

Insights Unveiled:

1. Retaining by Reassuring: A peek into our transition from 15-20% to a booming client retention tale by tweaking our consultation approaches.

2. Communication is Key: Looking into 7 pivotal client communication points that transform your consultations into a comforting assurance, a result of some of the best law firm marketing strategies in play.

3. Consultation Choreography: Adopting the “third, a third, a third” approach ensures your consultations are heartfelt, enlightening, and crystal clear.

Quick Tips:

  • Embrace Their Stories: A dedicated 15-minute soaking in your client’s narrative, enveloping them in empathy and assurance.
  • Legal Wisdom with Warmth: The following 15, intertwine their concerns with adept legal advice, lighting a path through their legal quandary.
  • Clear, Not Cloudy: The concluding 15, illuminating fees, engagement pathways, and candidly presenting firm policies and boundaries.

Welcome to the Lounge

Scalable Business Lounge: Your key to 45+ versatile business training, a fresh masterclass each month, and a cozy nook where law firm owners foster each other’s growth. Also features a detailed course that guides your firm to operate seamlessly, even without your constant oversight.

What’s Brewing

Stay tuned for a potent Sales Training programme, meticulously crafted and soon to be unveiled to my firm and yours, honing your sales strategies to precision.

Pro Tip

Remember, clients often seek more than a lawyer – they seek a beacon through their legal storm. Be that luminous presence with consultations that are strategic, empathetic, and transparent!



Instagram: @caralee.fontenele

Facebook: @caraleefontenele

LinkedIn: @caraleefontenele


Instagram: @scalable_law

Facebook: @scalablelaw

LinkedIn: @scalablelaw


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