Tips For Lowering Client Complaints In Your Law Firm (Ep 97)

Tips For Lowering Client Complaints In Your Law Firm (Ep 97)

Season #1

This week on the podcast, Caralee dives into how you can minimise client complaints by having excellent but simple best practices for the service that you offer. Getting client complaints is time-consuming, frustrating, energy-zapping, and avoidable! 

Excellent customer service is something that Caralee’s firm, Collective Family Law, constantly strives to improve, and now Caralee wants to share her tips with you! She recognises that no matter how good your business is, there is always room to improve. 

As law firm owners, we often know how to give excellent service to the clients ourselves,  however, we can forget to train our team on how to do the same! Remember they are great lawyers, and they not have ever considered how to give a five-star service to the clients that walk through your law firm doors.

We all know what it is like to be a client, and we all know what it is like to be on the receiving end of a bad or poor service experience. It is frustrating and often can result in bad reviews.

At Collective Family Law, Caralee and her team aren’t unicorns so of course, they receive complaints from time to time. However, they work on as a team how to minimise those complaints by giving excellent customer service using a few simple strategies.

So, what does the ultimate service look like to minimise client complaints in your law firm?

In this podcast, listen to Caralee's tips to provide the best practices when it comes to service in your law firm. Create raving fans and keep complaints to a minimum. 

As mentioned in the podcast, head to to download free resources, templates, and you will find Caralee’s mastermind membership - the Scalable Business Lounge. This is a program whereby Caralee breaks down how to scale your law firm in 4 easy strategies!

See the links below for more info! 




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