The 7 Must Haves You Need In Order To Scale Your Business (Ep 41)

The 7 Must Haves You Need In Order To Scale Your Business (Ep 41)

Season #1 Episode #41

This week I chat all about what it LOOKS like to scale, without feeling completely bogged down as if you are just starting out - you will be wearing MANY hats! How do you actually scale when you are doing so much and you feel like you are trapped? I have really investigated what it is in my business that has drastically helped me scale my business at the rate it has, to which I came to the below steps.
You need a vision! As a leader of the business you MUST have a vision. If you don't know where you are going to be taking this business, you will be fazing through your business. Do you want to just float through your business? NO! You need a compass of where you are heading, and as the leader in your business it is up to you to map out that vision. The truth is, that vision may change over time, however that is good! Sit down, plan and map out your business - Time goes so quickly, 2021 is 2 months away! In the Scalable Business Society our first topic is visualisation and how to see where you are going.
Thinking big and be bold! It can be so challenging if you have limiting beliefs to be able to push through and see the back end of them. You need to know that you deserve to be in this life, yes, it is hard, but you are here for a reason! The energy you put out is exactly what you will get back – FACTS! Change your mindset and act!
Scale your personal brand! People buy from people. People want YOU to service them. Your brand is your business! It is so important to build this profile and to not be scared to pop your head up from your business and show yourself! If we are so busy working in our business rather than on it, we do not have time to show our expertise online, networking etc then you are totally missing out. Once you start building your brand and you aren’t scared to put yourself out there as the expert in your industry and attract the right clients and team members – then you can scale! You cannot scale on your own, you need a team and clients.
Establishing key advisors! Coaching! Mentors! Leaders! These people come in many forms and I would not be where I am today without it, 100%! The Scalable Business Society is an excellent example that will drastically give you what you need to leverage and implement into your business. I have also had other people in businesses who have been in my position, and I have networked, communicated, and acted. It is so important to be having conversations and mingling to get where you desire.
Systems, processes, and automation's! Guess what, although you may think you can do it all on your own, you cannot! You need to be automating your business in all area that it is possible. You are not going to be able to grow your business any further without these processes in place. This may be a tech thing that you implement in the business or even a team process. Tech and Team, remember that! How do you set up the systems – The Scalable Business Society will step-by-step guide you.
You need a team! This does not mean that this needs to be on-site and employed under you, this can be as simple as having a VA overseas, or a platform that allows you to upload and they take it from there. This means that you need to train them, trust me this is an excellent time investment.
Working on your business, rather than in your business! If you are in your business doing tasks that could be automated, you are not working on it! Working on it means that it will become scalable and take up less of your time. If you have not read the The E-Myth, you neeeeed to! It will change your business game/mindset.

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