How To Get Back On Track When Life Hits You With A Curveball (Ep 44)

How To Get Back On Track When Life Hits You With A Curveball (Ep 44)

Season #1 Episode #44

🌟 Do you want to scale your business by working less and playing more? 🌟 Do you struggle to add all of the elements of success into your business? 🌟 Do you want clarity and help to understand exactly where you should go from here?
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Right! Now onto this weeks podcast...
How To Get Back On Track When Life Hits You With A Curveball...
Have you ever had a curveball (big or small) get in the way of your strong mindset and the flow of your life? Yes, your answer is yes! This podcast is the 9 tips on how the heck you get out of a curveball efficiently and effectively to pursue your success!
  1. Understanding that change is going to happen:
Life is not ever going to remain exactly how it is right now. Scary? - Yes but to be prepared and have understanding will set you up and prepare you with the tools you need to be the best you can in any given situation.
2. Know that some of those changes are going to be VERY challenging: Yep, I am not only talking about the podcast I accidentally deleted off the earth, I am talking about really massive challenges; divorce etc. These changes can be massive and it is how you react which will set the mark. You must have these key principles in order to adapt, overcome and keep on going.
3. Accept the new change and embrace it: There is change - change, is good! Change is what makes the world keep ticking around! Learn to embrace it and accept the new change. Fighting the change will never work in your favor.
4. Keep an open mind: What may be initially a disaster, may just be the best thing that has ever happened to you. You won't see it right away, but overtime you will look back, reflect and accept! It may just be the exact thing your life needed.
5. Be kind and add humor: Look, if we don't laugh we will cry... Be kind, uphold yourself to the change and understand that this change will implement ethics in you that never would be if this didn't happen! Some of my biggest growing points are where the uncomfortable things lie.
6. Do something amazingly beautiful for yourself: You have to nurture yourself. When I say all of these points, I say it out of care. Don't force anything on yourself. This is new, you are learning, you are allowed to feel all the feels! Do something that makes your heart sing. When I went through my divorce, I took myself and my daughter to Paris! This is one extreme, however also a bath with some champagne will never go astray!
7. Just get back out there: You git this girl! Once you have practiced all of these steps, you will be quick to work out you just need to keep going. Like when I lost a few of my staff last year, did I say screw it and close the business? No, you keep on going and hire more amazing people! Perspective is so vital when it comes to change and it will show just how strong you really are! Keep on going girlfriend, change is what makes us better humans with more confidence, experience and development.
Keep on going girlfriend, change is what makes us better humans with more confidence, experience and development. πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

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