Positive Learnings From 2020 and Setting Intentions For 2021 (Ep 47)

Positive Learnings From 2020 and Setting Intentions For 2021 (Ep 47)

Season #1 Episode #47

Well, it is no secret that 2020 has been an absolute whirlwind of a year, however it is super important to take away the positive learnings with the experiences you have been through as it is unlike any other!
In this BONUS podcast I dive deep into the importance of taking gratitude with every step of your life and just how we can take those learnings and set them as intentions for 2021!
1. Appreciate the simple things! Every. Darn. Day. The smallest things, going to the shopping mall to going on a plane, how our perspectives have changed! Appreciate that we don't have certainty. This isn't something to be concerned about, rather an opportunity to realize how every moment of joy and happiness is a blessing and we are just so lucky every time we feel that.
2. When you have a great team, amazing things can happen! Having a reliable and flexible team has been a major positive appreciation that I have taken on board this year. Having people around you who can be there for you when you need them is just an amazing support system through the good and bad. Having resourceful and resilient people around you will make a massive difference in your life. You need yo tribe!
3. The pandemic has given me an opportunity to reset expectations. This is for my own personal expectations that I have up on myself and of those around me. This down time has made me take space to be grounded has truly made a difference in my life. I have allowed myself to slow down and take space!
4. Leveraging Off Technology In my law practice I have this thing where I have had a false belief that I have needed to be in the office and seeing all of my clients face-to-face yet that has been completely shifted! This year has absolutely made us realise that we can be more flexible, we can get more work done at home and we can also be far more time efficient!
5. Life doesn't need to be in a set-way! Just because it is the way you have always done it, doesn't mean that you should do it like that. This year I have had way more balance, time and I am enjoying things a whole lot more these days! I am not run off my feet!
My intention for 2021: Do Not Loose These Learnings!
1.We can't take the basic things in life for granted anymore! 2020 has proven to be a year with so many lessons some have been very hard to swallow and some have been positively life changing.
2. You can pull together and make this happen when you have an incredible team
3. What are you going to reset in your life? How will you shape your life
I challenge you to focus on one word of how you would like 2021 to look. My one word is JOY! I want to find joy in all of the journey, all of the things no matter how big or small they are as we just don't know
DM me your word with the links below!

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